October Fall-tastic Festivities at Twin Lake North
The Twin Lake North Community will be coming together to celebrate artists, crafters, and vendors. This event is to focus on our campus and surrounding communities to grow communication while exploring various talents and creating business partnerships.
If you are a friend, resident, or potential partner of the TLN community, we would appreciate your attendance at our committee meeting on October 19th at 3 p.m.
As we work diligently to plan our Art event, take advantage of the Cooper Arts and Crafts Fair with our neighbors in New Hope, MN at Robbinsdale Cooper High School, Maple Grove. https://allevents.in/maple%20grove/%E2%80%A2-2023-cooper-arts-and-crafts-fair-sponsored-by-new-hope-wt/200024619463649
We will also hold a Halloween Event on October 25th to provide the TLN community a safe haven to enjoy some holiday festivities, eat, play games, win prizes and just overall have a fantastic time.
If you would like to join our TLN committee or obtain more information about our TLN events please reach out to us at tlnactv@lanel.com or call (763) 533-1168!