River Oaks Holds Ash Wednesday Services with St. Stephens Catholic Church
Rivers Oaks of Anoka and the neighboring St. Stephens Catholic Church have had a fabulous relationship for many years. This proximity comes in handy, as we both aim to celebrate the great residents of Anoka and the surrounding area, but also look for opportunities to engage and grow socially and spiritually together. Just this month, River Oaks and St. Stephens partnered on Ash Wednesday, bringing Ash Wednesday Services to the residents within the River Oaks community. The Service, provided all residents who wanted it, a chance to receive their Ash Wednesday ashes. River Oaks is very thankful that St. Stephens Catholic Church is able to accommodate all residents who wished to participate in Ash Wednesday services. Along with St. Stephens, we have other churches who come in to perform various activities and services, to ensure many faiths are accommodated spiritually.
If you are interested in touring River Oaks of Anoka, please contact Kyle at 763-233-6071 or rohousing@lanel.com.
For more information about St. Stephens Catholic Church, please visit https://ststephenchurch.org/.