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| Community: The Legacy of St Anthony

Join us for our weekly faith services at the Legacy of St. Anthony

Community… it’s here!
Relationships are the most rewarding part of the Legacy lifestyle. Discovering connections, sharing common history, re-connecting or hosting friends- the benefits rush over you like a waterfall! Just imagine daily sharing a meal with your closest friends or hosting the club you’ve been a part of for years here, at your home! It’s our pleasure to help you continue to connect with those closest to you, and to foster the beauty of new friendships as well.
Sacred Assembly
The Legacy staff recognize the vital role a thriving faith relationship holds. Weekly Christian services and classes are available on our campus to help enhance your faith journey. A Minnesota winter should never separate you from God’s love! The Legacy shares in making Scripture breathe where it states, “Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love.” (Romans 8:38b NLT) 
Contact The Legacy of St. Anthony today to join any of our activities.
The Legacy of St. Anthony
2540 Kenzie Terrace 
St. Anthony, MN 55418