Wed., Aug 06, 2014
Talented Emerald Pointe, so much to do, join us!
Talented Emerald Pointe
This month Emerald Pointe will be Celebrating
• Monthly Birthday Party – August 20 - 5:30 pm (7611 Community Room)
• August 11 National S’more Day- Stop by the 7611 CR between 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
The Grocery Bus in on its way from Emerald Pointe. In July our residents took the bus to the grocery store and loved every minute of it. What a great addition to Emerald Pointe. Flu shots are schedule for September 10th at 4 pm. Feel free to come and get your Flu shot and stay for the September monthly birthday celebration. We would love to have you experience all the excitement here at Emerald Pointe.
Emerald Pointe is a Multi-Family apartment complex located right in the Jewel of New Hope. We have large one and two bedroom apartments with large windows to let lots of sunshine in. We offer wood burning fire places in our second and third floor apartments and walk out patios on our first floor apartments.
Emerald Pointe is just not another place to live, it is a home filled with neighbors who care about each other.
Call TODAY to schedule your appointment
7611 36th Ave N.
New Hope, MN 55427
Ask to speak to Sue or Jamie
We look forward to meeting you.