R.A.P. = Resident Appreciation Party at The Arbors
We have R.A.P.’d up our Lang Nelson Resident Visit Month and our Resident Appreciation Parties for 2022. One of the exercises during our R.A.P. gatherings was to describe The Arbors in just one word. Our residents shared many adjectives, with some descriptors being repeated over and over again:
- Safe - Welcoming
- Comfortable - Helpful
- Clean - Location
- Friendly - Awesome
- Quiet - Home
Our residents are our top priority, and the positive input and feedback we receive helps us to know that we’re doing something right! During these small group discussions, we addressed concerns, activity suggestions and any other topics that could enhance the overall living experience here at The Arbors. Thanks to the productive conversations we had, you will be seeing some new activities and opportunities in the coming months. We truly enjoyed connecting with our residents and finding ways to make The Arbors even better!
Call us today to schedule a tour and see what our community has to offer!
The Arbors of White Bear Lake
4800 Division Avenue
White Bear Lake, Minnesota 55110
(651) 426-2228
arbors@lanel.com www.langnelson.com/arbors