River Oaks State Fair Has Record Turnout!
River Oaks State Fair Has Record Turnout!
After last year’s state fair was cancelled due to Covid, River Oaks pivoted and hosted their own. It being such a hit last year, people lined up in excitement for this year’s events.
River Oaks went all out with food on a stick, games, entertainment, prizes and treats. There were snow cones and even an old fashioned water gun show down. We had nearly all of our residents participate in the fun. Everyone pulled together to make this happen and ensure it was a great event.
This is just an example of one event of many, and leads to our residents often sharing how much they enjoy living here and how well they are taken care of.
Thank you to everyone who made this a great event! Please contact us today to become a part of our community, or to learn of what is planned next, so you be sure to take part in the fun we have to offer. We aim to spoil!
Call Lori at 612-770-1071. We are excited to show you all we have to offer!