COVID-19 Vaccine at River Oaks!
We cried. We laughed. We prayed for each other. We educated ourselves. And together we took action! We learned and made adjustments for our children and grandchildren, our parents and grandparents, and our friends! We stayed home, we air hugged, we blew kisses to loved ones, we listened to concerts from our windows, and we learned how to make Zoom calls and FaceTime calls.
Now it is the time to do more.
Receive the COVID-19 vaccine!
River Oaks of Anoka and Goodrich Pharmacy are proud to provide the COVID-19 vaccine to all residents and staff at River Oaks!
River Oaks of Anoka Tuesday, January 12th 2021
910 Western St 9:00 am - 12:00pm
Anoka, MN 55303
Please see staff for details. Together, we will get through it!