Thu., May 13, 2021
Community: Orono Woods
Orono Woods Recognizes "Bean" for his 45 years of Service!
This month we celebrated the retirement of Don “Bean” Gaspar who has worked for the City of Long Lake for 45 years! When you move into a small town, you will get to know your neighbors and people will go out of their way to say, “Good Morning!” It was a nice afternoon with the City, the Mayor, the Fire Department as well as the Orono Police Department. Lots of funny stories and an awesome send off to someone who has given so much to the community. Thank you, Bean!
If you would like to check out Orono Woods, call Bobbi Jo at the rental office, 952-473-0010 to schedule a private tour. We offer a lot more than four walls; we offer camaraderie and a strong sense of community.