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| Community: The Legacy of St Anthony

A Word from The Legacy of St. Anthony Resident’s

Blessed I am and where to begin and end is sure a tough one. As I look at my life, I look at the positives and all the thoughtful thinking of all those around me. I feel blessed to be a part of The Legacy of St. Anthony and for them letting me get to know Mike Fahey who is a blessed volunteer. I feel so blessed to have met so many great individuals that have shared many great thoughts and positivity with me. I could go on and on with all the things I’m blessed about throughout my life. - Bob

Happy and blessed is what I’m even during all the COVID-19 living. I have learned to make the best of everyday and still enjoy each and every moment we have with one another. So, blessed to be able to have wonderful visits with my family and friends while on the patio or for Essential Care visits. Along with being blessed to have a safe and comfortable place to call home and having God by my side. The Legacy team has been working so hard to make the best of everything during this all and I’m so blessed to have them looking out for the best interest of each and every resident. - Arlis

Call TODAY to start your experience at The Legacy of St. Anthony at 612-843-3700.