Cedarwood Needs Your Input!
Cedarwood is working to increase participation in all of our activities! Please consider joining us for an activity, we will welcome you whether you are a resident, guest, or prospect. The best way to get involved is to come to resident council each month to start sharing your ideas with the group. All of our events are resident driven and we want to keep it that way! You never know which one of your neighbors might share an interest or passion with you; maybe your neighbor loves to knit or you share a love of suspense novels. Lang Nelson has 3 rules to live in their communities, and rule #2 is “allowing yourself to be spoiled!” Give us the chance to spoil you by sharing your ideas! We cannot wait to hear them.
Cedarwood Apartments
5450 Douglas Drive North
Crystal, Minnesota, 55429
Phone: 763-533-3170
Email: cedarwood@lanel.com