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| Community: The Arbors of White Bear Lake

The Arbors is Learning to Grow and Adapt to Their New Normal!

“Out of adversity comes opportunity.” – Benjamin Franklin.

Life is full of adversity, and it is from these difficult situations that we learn to grow and adapt. The Arbors residents and staff recently experienced this during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our routine was interrupted. Activities were cancelled. We could no longer interact with our friends, family, and neighbors. Life as we knew it had changed in the blink of an eye.

But our residents and staff are resilient! They opened their hearts and reached out to their neighbors in so many extraordinary ways. They found alternative ways to connect – through email, video chats, and written correspondence.  While our regularly scheduled activities were canceled, new activities were introduced that residents could enjoy in the comfort of their own homes. These were so well-received that we will be adding several of them to our Activity Calendar going forward.

Each of us has learned something through this adverse situation. We have had the opportunity to grow and to reflect on what is truly important to each of us. We have learned patience. We have learned how to be thankful for the abundance we have in our lives. We have learned new ways to communicate with others. We have learned how to “think outside the box” and look at things from another perspective. And most importantly, we have learned that without a doubt, we have the most compassionate, caring people living and working at The Arbors of White Bear!

The Arbors of White Bear
4800 Division Avenue
White Bear Lake, Minnesota 55110
(651) 426-2228