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| Community: Cloverleaf Courts

The Season of Giving is Going Strong at Cloverleaf Courts!

Residents of Cloverleaf Courts got a jump start to the Season of Giving, starting with our Fall Food Drive in November.  Together, we collected over 400 pounds of food for our local emergency food bank, located at the Anoka County Human Services building in Blaine, which also houses our senior outreach friends at ACCAP – Anoka County Community Action Program - who regularly connect with our residents to provide resources and information related to seniors.

In December, we are hosting three giving campaigns to benefit local chapters of Head Start, Disabled Veterans of America (DAV), and Toys for Tots.  Our Hat & Mitten tree will be adorned with hats, mittens, and other children’s winter clothing, the DAV box will be filled with clothing and personal care items for disabled veterans, and Toys for Tots will receive toys to make local children’s holidays a little better.  To top it all off, SBM (Spring Lake Park/Blaine/Moundsview) Fire Department and Santa will be stopping by to visit and collect canned goods for their annual food drive, which is always a treat for our residents.

All year long, we’ve focused on our mantra “Be the Difference,” and we’re closing out the year strong with these campaigns.  Cloverleaf Courts residents are a community of thoughtful and generous seniors who love giving back to the community.  We’d love for you to join us, so call us today to set up a tour and see what living the Lang Nelson Experience at Cloverleaf Courts is all about.

Cloverleaf Courts
1011 Cloverleaf Parkway NE
Blaine, MN 55434

Jake Ilika
Blaine Campus Manager

Mary Beth Yamaguchi
Blaine Campus Assistant Manager

Head Start:
Toys For Tots: