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| Community: The Arbors of White Bear Lake

Mega Puzzle at The Arbors!

Did you know that a person who plays and enjoys jigsaw puzzles is called a “dissectologist?” We have quite a few of these special people at The Arbors, and we are hoping to interest many more in this pursuit with our latest challenge – a 6,000-piece puzzle of the Las Vegas Strip!

The completed puzzle measures 65 by 45 inches, and is taking residence on a large plywood table in our Sunroom until its completion. The puzzle was opened on February 1st and all 6,000 pieces were spread out on the table. Our expert jigsaw puzzle builders have been very helpful to those who have not attempted a puzzle before. Apparently, there are many tips and tricks to help complete puzzles most efficiently – who knew?

As if just completing this mega puzzle isn’t challenge enough, how about having a contest too? Residents can enter their prediction of the exact date and time the puzzle will be completed. We can’t wait to see the final result, and we hope all of our residents take time to set a piece or two. It will certainly take a village to help build this masterpiece!

Call us today to schedule a tour and see what our community has to offer!

The Arbors of White Bear Lake
4800 Division Avenue
White Bear Lake, Minnesota 55110
(651) 426-2228